Windows 10 Toast Notifications

Toast notifications are Windows 10 popup dialog boxes which provide the user with non-critical information.  These notifications can be used to inform users about activity on their device.

User action isn’t normally required with toast notifications but these notifications can be configured to give the user the ability initiate an action from within the notification itself.  The user can read the notification and either dismiss it or it will time out and close itself, where the notification will move to the desktop Action Center.

A simple example scenario would be a Windows 10 Update, where the notification would inform the user that Windows 10 requires an update. The user can be presented a time frame of when the update is going to occur. The user could have the option to delay they update or if convenient even initiate the update immediately.  This grants the users a certain level of control of their device and limits the intrusiveness of the update itself.

Windows 10 makes use of standard toast notifications but additional notifications can be created to facilitate and enhance Device Management using .NET Framework APIs via a Powershell script.

Toast notifications can be used to enhance the Users Device Management experience providing an improved end user experience. Users can be notified of pending events and grant users the ability to initiate or even schedule the event or action according to their needs. On the other side if the user is bombarded with to many notifications then the user may dismiss and ignore these notifications completely. As such its important that these are not over used or trivialized.